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Episode 106: Navigating Grief with Cassandra Grant

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In this episode, In this episode we dive into all things grief with guest expert Cassandra Grant. Cassandra is a ton of wonderful things but lately she has been on a mission to help other people navigate and process grief through her grief groups, and social media.

Cassandra has always been an advocate of health and fitness and when she experienced so much loss in her family it really impacted her ability to take care of her health. She shares her experience and how she used those experiences to heal and turn her pain into purpose.

Tune into episode #106:

In This Episode:

  • Cassandra shares her experiences with grief and how they impacted her life
  • We open up a real conversation on what happens when you are grieving, holidays, anniversaries, and healing
  • One of the hardest things about grief is that not a lot of people talk about it or know what to say – Cassandra and I wanted to open up that conversation in this episode
  • Cassandra has been called to help people through the grieving process through her groups, art work, poetry, community messages and so much more be sure to follow her Instagram below

Connect with Cassandra Grant:

Instagram:  @my_grief_diary_


Connect with Pam:

Instagram: @pam_rocca
Tik Tok: @Pam_Rocca
Work with me: Book with Pam

If you enjoyed this episode please let me know so I can create more of the content that you are enjoying. I would also so appreciate it if you shared it with someone who you know would love this podcast episode too.  Have the most expansive, love-filled week.

