In this episode, we dive into why your manifestations might not be coming in to shed some light on how to co-create with the Universe. When you can raise your awareness you can shift, hold the vision, get into alignment, or flex your trust muscle and you will see that you are a powerful manifester. In the last part of this episode, we also talk about tests and manifestations.
Tune into episode #75:
In this episode:
– Reasons why your manifestations might not be coming in
– You are in a gestation period – be patient, keep doing the work and aligning to what you are calling in
– You have a block, shadow or limiting belief or old pattern from when you were younger that is keeping you in a loop that isn’t allowing your manifestation to come in – do some inner child healing, unblocking or shadow work to heal and expand
– You have low self-worth – If you have low self-work or self-efficacy it’s hard to believe that you are even worthy of the manifestations that you are calling in – do some healing work to increase your self-worth and self-confidence
– Your level of believability doesn’t match what you are calling in – find a level that does feel believable or accessible to where you are right now
– You don’t feel truly aligned to what you are calling in – reflect on why it might not be in alignment or your truth
– You are letting a timeline or goal date trip you up – You can’t micromanage the Universe, that also puts you in restriction and lack or fear which repeals your manifestations from coming in
– You are holding on too tightly and have expectations on what it “should be like”, you might be attached to a certain outcome which again could be blocking what you are trying to call in. You don’t have to know the how, get into a state of trust and expansion
– Something better might be on it’s way to you but it’s taking time – be patient! Just because it’s not hear yet doesn’t mean you are not manifesting correctly, things take time
– You are not taking soul-aligned action towards what you are calling in – you need to take action steps towards what you want
– You are not specific or clear enough – get really clear on your why
– You are resisting change, sometimes for your manifestation to come in, it will require change – can you be open to it?
– You are not creating space to receive or let your manifestation come in
– You are in a lack mindset or not grateful for what you already have – bring your attention to where your focus is right now
– You are not trusting
– Tests and manifestation – 3 kinds of tests
Work with me in distance or in-person intuitive reiki session or oracle card readings if you feel called to it. Contact to book your readings or sessions.
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Email: [email protected]
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With Love,