This episode dives into all things emotional eating and why we tend to cope with food instead of dealing with our complex emotions.
Amber Romaniuk is an emotional eating, digestive and hormone expert who helps professional women achieve optimal health through mindful eating, self-care and overcoming self-sabotage with food. Amber is also the host of The No Sugar Coating podcast. She works to help women achieve body freedoms so they can have the confidence and health to create amazing lives.
Tune into episode #9:
In this episode:
- – Amber shares her story and journey & why so is so passionate about emotional eating and women’s health
- – what is emotional eating and ways to know if you are an emotional eater
- – how emotional eating can affect your gut health
- – learn how emotional eating can affect your hormones and signs of a hormonal imbalance
- – how emotional eating can affect your body image or self-esteem
- – why we tend to turn to food to cope with emotions instead of healthier coping mechanisms
- – how to begin to heal or break out of the emotional eating cycle
- – food cravings and what they mean and so much more!
With Love,